Grand CCFC
Heroine Millicent B. Lann
Grand Court Director
Knight Jesse Slater
Grand Treasurer
Heroine Latasha E. Yeldell
Grand Financial Secretary Heroine Loubirdie E. Law
Grand Ark Bearer
Heroine Ella McGee
Grand Most Worthy Joshua
Knight Alfred R. Jean-Pierre, Jr.
Grand Court Director
Knight Thomas M. Thomas
Grand Outer Gate Keeper
Heroine Crystal Evans
Grand Inner Gate Keeper
Heroine Glendra Smith-Watson
Grand Chaplain
Heroine Willie Mae Martin
Grand Junior Attendant Heroine L’Toia Benjamin
Grand Ark Bearer
Heroine Rosie Ross
Grand Recording Secretary Heroine Lillie J. James
Grand Ark Bearer
Heroine Priscilla Cromedy
Grand Most Ancient Matron
Claudette Hunte-Jackson
Immediate Past GMAM
Heroine Phines C. Jones
Grand Marshall
Heroine Michelle R. Alston
Rahab Grand Court
Heroines of Jericho
State and Jurisdiction of South Carolina
Prince Hall Affiliation
Heroine Claudette Hunte-Jackson, Grand Most Ancient Matron
Grand Marshall
Heroine Bernice Turkvant
Grand Vice Ancient Matron
Heroine JoAnn Manigault
Grand Senior Attendant
Heroine Iva Gissentaner
Grand Court Director
Knight Bruce E. Wright
Grand Court Director
Knight Thomas M. Thomas
Immediate Past GMWJKnight Antonio N. Jackson
Grand Vice Joshua Knight
John T. Blume, Jr.